SYRIZA leader Tsipras: Constructive and strong opposition
He said that SYRIZA has a long experience in Greece's political life as well as a governmental experience and will not resort to scaremongering🕛 χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 2 λεπτά ┋

"SYRIZA's target is a constructive and in parallel strong opposition" SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras said at a press conference at Thessaloniki International Fair (TIF) on Sunday.
He said that SYRIZA has a long experience in Greece's political life as well as a governmental experience and will not resort to scaremongering.
"We disagree with New Democracy's growth model and we believe it can't lead us to growth" Tsipras said adding "Yes to growth but with specific orientation, with transparency and rules that will protect our cultural heritage".
Asked if he is going to ask for snap elections as the current prime minister did when he was in the opposition, SYRIZA leader said "My name is Tsipras not Mitsotakis" and reassured that no government declares early elections because the opposition asks it.
Tsipras said he is proud for the Prespes Agreement which, as he said, will go down in history adding that he did not step back in fear of the obvious political cost.
He noted that a Gordian knot in the foreign policy was resolved with the agreement and the foundations for peace and good neighbourly relations were laid and we gained Macedonia's Hellenity.
Tsipras said that "the sector of medicine is of the greatest scandals in Greece along with the armaments and the state supplies that are also responsible for the crisis" answering to a question on Novartis case adding that Novartis is a twofold scandal as there is also the attempt to cover it.
Referring to SYRIZA's tax policy he said that the elections result shows that our measures were not consolidated. He said that his feeling is that Mitsotakis created huge expectations on the issue (tax relief) that will be, very soon, proved wrong.
"We will all be judged" he said adding that the high expectations will turn into a boomerang because the citizens' reality can't be formed on communication conditions as they will see hikes on the PPC rates and other increases in other indirect ways.
"It is better to promise what you can do than create huge expectations" he noted and underlined "We promised to seek this other way until the end and this was not a lie. It was a promise we kept until the end".
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