14th Annual Greek Business Conference to be held in London
Finance Minister Christos Staikouras will analyse the new government's economic policy and measures to attract new investment to Greece🕛 χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 1 λεπτό ┋
The 14th Annual Greek Business Conference is being held on Wednesday and Thursday in London with the participation of 32 listed companies.
International investment funds, analysts and portfolio managers particpate in the conference, as more than 560 meetings are already scheduled between foreign managers and senior executives of Greek-listed companies.
The four systemic banks (Alpha bank, Eurobank, National, Piraeus) rank first in the preferences of foreign investors for meetings.
Finance Minister Christos Staikouras will analyse the new government's economic policy and measures to attract new investment to Greece.
The Greek listed companies that will present their prospects to the international investment community are: ADMIE, Aegean Airlines, Alpha Bank, EXAE, Autohellas, Cenergy Holdings, Greece, Elval-Halkor, Eurobank, Fourlis, GE Energy, ELPE, OTE, Iktinos, Intralot, Kri-Kri, Lamda Development, MLS, Motor Oil, Mytilineos, National Bank, National Pangea, OPAP, Piraeus Bank, OLP, Profile, PPC, Sarantis, Thrace Plastics, Titan and Viohalco.
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