Primary surplus of 2.9 bln euros in Jan-Aug period
In detailed results, the state budget showed a deficit in the balance of payments of 1.588 billion euros🕛 χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 1 λεπτό ┋
The Greek state budget showed a primary surplus of 2.906 billion euros in the January-August period, up from a budget target for a primary deficit of 272 million euros. The corresponding period in 2018, the state budget showed a primary surplus of 1.124 billion euros, the Finance Ministry said on Wednesday.
In detailed results, the state budget showed a deficit in the balance of payments (general government) of 1.588 billion euros in the January-August period, down from a budget target for a deficit of 4.976 billion euros and a shortfall of 2.677 billion euros registering in the same period in 2018.
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