Two bids submitted for casino license in Hellinikon project
In an announcement, the Commission said two investments groups submitted their bids within the deadline🕛 χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 1 λεπτό ┋

The Hellenic Gaming Commission on Friday announced the completion of an interest submission process in a tender to sell a casino operating license in the Hellinikon - Agios Kosmas Metropolitan Hub project. In an announcement, the Commission said two investments groups submitted their bids within the deadline:
- MGE Hellinicon B.V. - Mohegan Gaming Advisors LLC - GEK Terna SA.
Evaggelos Karagrigoriou, president of the Commission, in comments made after completion of the tender process said October 4th was a landmark for the implementation of the Hellinikon investment and particularly for the implementation of an international tourism and entertainment destination with multiple benefits for the Greek economy. He noted that Greece, following the tender process, proves emphatically that it can attract large foreign direct investments and meet the challenge of securing growth for all.
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