Konsolas announces plans for tourist guide school on Rhodes
Konsolas said that Greek tourism's momentum was due to people like tourist guides, whose high-level professionalism made them ambassadors of Greek culture and a channel through which visitors learned about Greece's history and identity🕛 χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 1 λεπτό ┋
Deputy Tourism Minister Manos Konsolas on Friday announced the ministry's intention to found a school for official tourist guides on Rhodes, speaking at the Hellenic Federation of Tourist Guides congress.
Konsolas said that Greek tourism's momentum was due to people like tourist guides, whose high-level professionalism made them ambassadors of Greek culture and a channel through which visitors learned about Greece's history and identity.
Referring to the problem of illegal guides, who lacked the necessary education and training, he said the ministry was determined to crack down on such practices with more frequent inspections, as they have a negative impact on Greece's tourism. "For us, improving the training of tourist guides is a key issue," Konsolas said.
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