SYRIZA: Middle class hopes for relief bitterly disappointed
SYRIZA concluded that the "ND government annuls all the positive measures propelled by the SYRIZA government for 2020"🕛 χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 1 λεπτό ┋
The hopes of the middle class for greater relief have been bitterly disappointed by the draft tax bill that the government unveiled for public consultation on Friday, main opposition SYRIZA said.
The major beneficiaries of the bill, the party stated, were "the big profit-making businesses and private incomes exceeding 100,000 euros per year, which account for fewer than 1 percent of tax payers."
It underlined that "government's neoliberal obssession with giving much to the few and little to the many, as well as its decision to indefinitely postpone the negotiation on reducing the deficit and to not use the SYRIZA government's escrow account that achieves this reduction, do not permit the essential relief of the middle classes."
SYRIZA concluded that the "ND government annuls all the positive measures propelled by the SYRIZA government for 2020".
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