Draft budget extremely unbalanced, SYRIZA's Skourletis says
The draft state budget is extremely unbalanced as it only refers to high incomes, SYRIZA general secretary Panos Skourletis said to the Athens-Macedonian News Agency's radio station 'Praktoreio' on Thursday.🕛 χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 1 λεπτό ┋
The draft state budget is extremely unbalanced as it only refers to high incomes, SYRIZA general secretary Panos Skourletis said to the Athens-Macedonian News Agency's radio station 'Praktoreio' on Thursday.
He also stressed that it confirms the government's main direction which is the huge relief of high incomes while there is only small relief for the small and medium-sized incomes, Skourletis said.
Asked on Turkey's stance, he reiterated that "determination and self-control on Greece's side is needed".
On SYRIZA's campaign, Skourletis referred to a "multiple effort to restore the trust of the people, that had not voted for us in the previous elections, and to create the conditions for a new course for the country."
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