Government entirely content with EU's message to Turkey and its support to Greece and Cyprus
The European Council's conclusions were clear and explicit, said Maximos Mansion🕛 χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 2 λεπτά ┋
Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis has returned very content from his working visit to Brussels, government sources said on Saturday, while the government headquarters at Maximos Mansion are pleased with the text of the EU summit's conclusions concerning Turkey's provocative actions, as the PM himself sent a clear message in his statements that followed the summit, a message of reassurance and confidence even though he too observed Ankara's nervousness, sources added.
The European Council's conclusions were clear and explicit, said Maximos Mansion: the European Union is emphasizing that the Turkey-Libya accord violates the sovereign rights of specific countries, it runs against International Law of the Sea and cannot give rise to legal actions. Furthermore, the E.C. stands in full support of both Greece and Cyprus.
Whether the clear message of European leaders comes across to Turkey as intended is something to be observed along the way, said governmental sources, however, at this stage, they said that Ankara's complete diplomatic isolation is now apparent.
In conclusion, the Greek government believes that the prime minister has achieved the greatest possible result at the Brussels summit, which finds Turkey in an even more difficult position.
The government sources also noted how the summit's talks on climate change raised optimism for the allocation of necessary funds at the EU's Fair Energy Transition Fund towards the support for regions that might be affected by the inevitable change in the new production and development models, especially in the regions of western Macedonia and the Peloponnese.
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