State budget primary surplus reached 6.945 billion euros in November
The state budget balance for the period of January - November of 2019 presented a surplus of 1.922 billion euros🕛 χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 1 λεπτό ┋
The state budget primary balance amounted to a surplus of 6.945 billion euros for the period of January - November of 2019, against the primary surplus target of 4,715 billion euros and a primary surplus of 4.754 billion euros performed in the same period of the previous year, the finance ministry announced on Friday.
According to the data available for the execution of the State Budget on a modified cash basis, the state budget balance for the period of January - November of 2019 presented a surplus of 1.922 billion euros, against a target of a deficit of 343 million euros that has been incorporated for the same period of 2019 in the 2020 Budget introductory report and a surplus of 253 million Euros for the same period of 2018.
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