Greece has an open channel of communication with the US, Dendias says
Foreign Minister noted that in meeting with the US president, the prime minister "said in the most absolute and clear way what any Greek Prime Minister would have said"🕛 χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 1 λεπτό ┋
"The Greek side has an open channel of communication with the US and this, especially in the present circumstances, is an incredibly large asset," Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias said in an interview with SKAI TV on Sunday.
"The prime minister presented the Greek positions to the US side and not only was there no opposition but there was also understanding. And since then there has been an open channel of communication with the US," he said.
Concerning how Greece would react in the event of violation of its sovereign rights, the foreign minister noted that in meeting with the US president, the prime minister "said in the most absolute and clear way what any Greek Prime Minister would have said.". He added that a series of diplomatic acts has been planned for the next period.
"I will visit all the countries of the region. What the Greek foreign policy seeks is to make Greek positions heard and international law be respected," the Greek foreign minister stressed.
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