Geoffrey Pyatt: All Greek islands have EEZ
Pyatt reiterated that the US government guarantees Greece's security and works daily to ease tension in the Aegean🕛 χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 1 λεπτό ┋

US Ambassador to Greece, Geoffrey Pyatt, said late on Wednesday in an interview with SKAI TV that all Greek islands, irrespective of size, have EEZ and shelf demarcation. Pyatt reiterated that the US government guarantees Greece's security and works daily to ease tension in the Aegean.
On Turkey's agreement with the Government of National Accord in Libya, which the Greek government considers to have no legal effect, Pyatt seems to supports Athens' position, noting that it does not invalidate Greece's rights in the region, based on the International Law of the Sea.
"These are issues that need to be resolved through dialogue and negotiations," he added, "not by unilateral actions that ignore the rights and interests of other parties."
He also said that the message from Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis' visit to Washington was that US and Greece agree to continue working to achieve a more normal relationship in the Aegean and the Southeastern Mediterranean.
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