Strong interest for mortgage loan subsidy support programme
NewsroomGreek borrowers are showing strong interest in participating in a "Bridge" programme offering a state subsidy to mortgage loan repayment for borrowers hit by the economic consequences of the coronavirus pandemic, Fotis Kourmousis, special secretary of Private Debt Management said during a teleconference board meeting of the Piraeus Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
Kourmousis said that a total of 120,116 taxpayers have entered the e-platform in the first 30 days of its operation, of which 100,103 consented to the lifting of their bank privacy and more than 60,000 completed their application to the programme.
Vasilis Korkidis, president of the Chamber, addressing the board meeting said the registry of the Chamber presented a positive balance despite the pandemic crisis, with new listings totaling 261 in the first quarter of 2020, while delistings totaled 96 in the same period. In the second quarter, new listings totaled 181 and delistings 28. In the third quarter, so far, new listings total 160 and delistings 45.
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