English version
16.05.2019 15:36
Employment in Greek supermarket sector up 1.4 pct in 2018
NewsroomEmployment in the supermarket sector grew 1.4 pct in 2018, the Research Institute of Retail Consumer Goods (IELKA) said in a report released on Thursday.
The report, based on figures released by Hellenic Statistical Authority, showed that the supermarket sector was one of the most dynamic sectors of the economy during the crisis, and raised employment in the decade 2010-2020.
Employment in the 2010-2018 period rose 12.3 pct, while employment in the retail commerce sector fell 1.5 pct and in the Greek economy in general fell by 12.8 pct over the same period. IELKA attributed this positive development to a wave of mergers and acquisitions, the development of new enterprises in the sector and investments in automation.
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