English version
05.06.2019 17:31
FM Katrougalos in St.Petersburg on Thursday to meet with Russian FM Lavrov
NewsroomOn the sidelines of the forum, George Katrougalos will meet with his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov. The talks will focus on regional and international developments with empasis on the Balkans, Syria and the Eastern Mediterranean.
The further enhancement of bilateral relations in the context of the Joint Action Plan 2019-2020, as well as broader collaboration in sectors of mutual interest, such as tourism and culture with the Greek-Russian Year 2019 of Language and Literature as a reference point were also discussed.
During the forum, Katrougalos will analyse aspects of Greek foreign policy with a focus on cultural diplomacy, the potential for exporting culture and ways to promote a country's cultural heritage on a global level.
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