SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance's target is to win the elections, Pappas says
NewsroomSYRIZA-Progressive Alliance's target is to win the elections, Minister for Digital Policy, Telecommunications and Media Nikos Pappas said on Wednesday in an interview with the Athens-Macedonian News Agency (ANA) radio station Praktoreio 104.9.
He explained that European elections are one thing and national elections another, adding that half a million and six hundred thousand of Greek voters who did not vote in the European polls will go to vote in the national elections.
Asked to comment on Bank of Greece governor Yannis Stournaras' statement that the primary surplus target will not be met, he said: "I cannot remember the last time that Mr Stournaras' estimates came true. He was the most unsuccessful finance minister during the crisis, who is responsible for thousands of lost jobs.".
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