Election of ND synonymous with instability and insecurity, Pappas says
NewsroomNew Democracy (ND) has not regretted anything and for this reason the possibility of being elected first party "under any circumstances, it is synonymous with instability and insecurity, because it returns to policies that have been condemned and failed," the Minister of Digital Policy, Telecommunications and Media Nikos Pappas said in an interview with Open TV.
Pappas estimated that the situation can change by Sunday adding that the difference between the two largest parties is shrinking. He explained that there is a 10-15 pct of undecided that will affect the result. "The election outcome is still open," he said.
Regarding the possibility of a single-party majority government, he said that governments become strong based on their policies and stressed that a viable government must be able to pursue a policy that could create conditions for social policy and economic stability.
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