English version | 11.07.2019 13:02

Syriza leader Tsipras on Chalkidiki: Radical change necessary to deal with climate change


SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance leader Alexis Tsipras expressed his condolences on Thursday over the loss of lives in Chalkidiki peninsula from a severe storm, and said "the times called for thought and reflection," especially over climate change.

"What is needed is radical change, not half-measures," Tsipras said, adding, "As much as we want to wish it away or ignore it, climate change and its repercussions are here, and it's not helpful to shut our eyes to it. Uncontrolled growth threatens our planet and our lives - the sooner we realize it, the better we will be protected. But we should also keep in mind that what is needed is radical change, not half-measures."

ChalkidikiAlexis Tsiprasclimate change