Recalculation of pensions to be sent out soon, Mitarakis says
NewsroomA recalculation of pensions is already underway and the result will be sent out to pensioners as soon as possible, so that they know the size of the 'personal difference' in their case under the Katrougalos law, Deputy Labour and Social Welfare Minister Notis Mitarakis said on Sunday, speaking on Skai television. "Full transparency everywhere," he added.
He also offered assurances that the transition to a new system for supplementary pensions will not lead to any risk of further pension cuts for current pensioners or workers: "SYRIZA attempted through danger-mongering before the elections to fill the insured with anxiety over something that does not [Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis] has already said, any cost from the transition to the new supplementary system will be covered by the state. There is no risk for the size of supplementary pensions."
In the long term, Mitarakis said, the guarantee of pensions will depend on an increase in employment but also the rate of economic growth and average wages. "These three parameters are the new government's main priority, with the aim of kickstarting the economy," he added.
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