English version | 29.07.2019 20:48

Mitsotakis: Aiming for a brave re-start in Greek-Turkish relations, but this cannot happen within a void


Following his Monday meeting with Cyprus Republic President Nikos Anastasiades, Prime Minister and New Democracy leader Kyriakos Mitsotakis also met with the President of the House of Representatives Demetris Syllouris, and at noon he met all the leaders of Cypriot parliamentary parties.

In the afternoon the PM met with representatives of Cypriot associations. Speaking to reporters and referring to Greek-Turkish relations, Mitsotakis said: "My aim is to find ways for a brave re-start in Greek-Turkish relations. But this cannot happen within a void. These actions are gradual, take time and confidence-building," the Premier noted.

Asked about his target for reducing primary surpluses, he said: "This is the first time international markets show this much confidence in a government."

On Greek-Turkish relations, Mitsotakis said that both sides discussed developments in the wider region, including Turkish provocations, and agreed to synchronise Cyprus-Greece policy ahead of the upcoming August 9 meeting between President Anastasiades with the leader of the Turkish Cypriot community, Mustafa Akinci, stressing that in any case Turkey should show immediately and in practice, writing samples, suspending its unlawful acts within the Cypriot EEZ.

Energy issues including gas and electricity networks were discussed, as was the strengthening of bilateral cooperation between Greece and Cyprus, in the direction of multilateral alliances with neighboring countries who are interested in using the same networks.

Kyriakos MitsotakisCyprus