English version|02.08.2019 14:29

Labour Min. Vroutsis on improving employee safety at the workplace


The government is gradually introducing measures to upgrade work conditions and protect employees' health at work, Labour and Social Affairs Minister Yiannis Vroutsis said on Friday, after meeting with the Hellenic Institute of Workplace Health and Safety (ELINYAE).

Vroutsis called the institute "the first and most successful institution of collaboration of social partners in our country" and said "promoting health and safety at work is a high priority for this government and me personally."

He listed among ministry initiatives the updating of the legal code relating to safety at the workplace, and more frequent inspections at them. "Towards this direction, we are taking advantage of the expertise of the ministry and of the labour inspection unit (SEPE), and their great experience, in creative collaboration with social partners and the ELINYAE, which represents them," he said.

The meeting took place after an invitation to the institute by the minister.

Yiannis Vroutsisemployeesafety