English version | 05.08.2019 17:40

Vroutsis: Citizens with debts to insurance funds in 2017-2018 can apply for 120-installment settlement on Tuesday


"All citizens with debts to insurance funds in the period 2017-2018 will be able to apply for the 120-installment debt settlement from Tuesday afternoon" stated Labour and Social Affairs Minister Yiannis Vroutsis on Monday during a debate in parliament on the interministerial draft law that was tabled to the parliamentary committees on Monday.

Vroutsis defended that new changes propelled by his ministry emphasising on the reduction of the bank interest and the digitalisation of the pensions and reassured that the major problem with the pending pensions reaching up 450,000 to be resolved very soon.

"Our schedule foresees that draft law on the digitalisation of pensions to be tabled in parliament in November and Greece to have, for the first time, digital pensions by June 2020" said Vroutsis.

Yiannis Vroutsis