PM Mitsotakis: Abolition of university asylum means ban on delinquent behaviour
NewsroomPrime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis said that his government wants the universities to become reflection cells and places of creation without fear, addressing the parliament on Wednesday during the debate for the draft law that includes the abolition of the university asylum.
"We do not want police officers in the universities but to kick out the hooded individuals. Those who wear uniforms and the Greek emblem are organs of the democracy and give account to it" he said addressing main opposition SYRIZA deputies underlining that those who wear hoods are serving dark interests.
He said that the bill on the asylum protects the education, the research, the culture and the citizens. "Abolition of the university asylum means ban on delinquent behaviour inside the universities" said Mitsotakis. It is wrong for the state to compromise, said Mitsotakis and accused main opposition SYRIZA of showing "tolerance to delinquency".
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