ND should apologize over unprecedented chaos on Samothrace, Charitsis says
NewsroomSYRIZA party spokesman Alexis Charitsis called on the government to apologize over the "unprecedented chaos and its outrageous absence "in the matter of Samothrace, in a statement on Saturday.
"It took a whole week to the flexible and technocratic New Democracy (ND) government to convene on the issue of Samothrace. During this week the country's image was wounded and thousands of citizens and foreign visitors experienced insulting conditions for the human dignity".
The government must apologize for the unprecedented chaos. "SYRIZA demands the funds from the Port Development Works Programme-Master Plan safeguarded during SYRIZA's governance, to be used in order for an immediate and permanent solution in Samothrace's sea service to be found" Charitsis said.
The island of Samothrace was left without sea link to the mainland when "Saos II" ferry broke down and left hundreds of visitors stranded and angry for over a week.
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