English version | 13.12.2019 16:26

Pavlopoulos: Claims against Germany legally active and pursuable in court


"We do not forget. Never again," President of the Hellenic Republic Prokopios Pavlopoulos said on Friday during the commemoration events for the 76th year since the Holocaust of Kalavryta.

"We honour, once again this year, the sacred memory of the tragic victims of Nazi atrocity," the President said, noting that this is a national debt and that Greece's claims against Germany for a WWI occupation loan are legally active and can be pursued through the courts.

In particular, Pavlopoulos noted that: "We have repeatedly stressed that our claims, which we have never and in no way waived, are always legally active - which means that no question of limitation arises - and pursuable in court."

"Our common European legal culture, as part of our common European culture generally, which is composed of the provisions but also of the fundamental principles and values of European and international legality, require that the relevant decision be taken by a competent judicial forum, on the basis of all applicable international law."

Prokopis Pavlopoulos