Ethiopian Airlines resumes flights to Athens after 18-year hiatus
NewsroomThe Greek capital is the airline's 20th European destination. "Filled with incredible historical sites, Athens is one of the oldest cities in the world and Europe’s historical capital where democracy was invented," airline officials said at an event on Thursday.
The thrice-weekly flight to and from Athens will be operated by the ultra-modern B787 Dreamliner.
Ethiopian Airlines Group CEO Tewolde GebreMariam expressed his enthusiasm for the resumption of direct flights to the Greek capital, saying that Athens will serve as a key destination in a continuously expanding European network.
Athens International Airport Communications and Marketing Director Ioanna Papadopoulou said flights began on December 13 and the airline will link Athens with the rest of Africa through its expansive network.
Including Athens, the airline's international network serves 127 destinations.
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