English version
28.01.2020 14:07
Health Min Kikilias announces referral hospitals for coronavirus incidents
NewsroomHealth Minister Vassilis Kikilias announced on Tuesday the referral hospitals throughtout the country that are fully equipped to address possible incidents of coronavirus in Greece.
The referral hospitals are the following:
- In the region of Attica, the general hospitals "Sotiria" and "Evangelismos" in Athens and the University Hospital "Attiko" and Thriassio, in Haidari and Elefsina, respectively.
- In northern Greece, the University Hospital of Thessaloniki AHEPA, the University Hospital of Alexandroupolis and the Bodosakio Hospital in Ptolemaida.
- In central Greece, the University Hospital of Larissa and the general hospital of Lamia
- In western Greece, the University Hospital of Patras and the University Hospital of Ioannina and finally,
- On Crete, the University Hospital of Heraklion and the general hospital of Chania.
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