Alternate Defence Minister Rigas: Europe and the West can't be hostages of Turkey
As he noted "the Turkish provocation is not confined to Greece and Cyprus but extends to the European security system, in terms of energy and other areas"🕛 χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 1 λεπτό ┋
"Europe and the West can't be hostages of the plans and designs of the Turkish authorities," said Alternate Defence Minister Panagiotis Rigas in a statement on Wednesday to the website,
As he noted "the Turkish provocation is not confined to Greece and Cyprus but extends to the European security system, in terms of energy and other areas." He noted that the Greek side wanted the "globalisation" of the problems that Greece and Cyprus face as a result of Turkish provocations to act as a factor that normalised and balanced the situation, and not an escalation in a region like the Eastern Mediterranean, which was already burdened with tension and conflicts.
He reiterated that the Greek people are safe and the country is secure. "We have a strong political and diplomatic arsenal and we are not those who will fall into the trap of militarisation and an escalation of the tension.
Finally, he clarified that not all issues can be grist in the mill of the election campaign, pointing to "voices within and outside the opposition" that accused the government of "dramatising the situation" and urging them "to be serious and set limits because they are damaging the country".
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