Education Min Kerameus meets British Ambassador Smith
Τhe meeting was called 'extremely fruitful'🕛 χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 1 λεπτό ┋
The potential repercussions of Brexit on educational institutions as well as the extroversion and internationalisation of Greek higher education entities were at the center of a meeting held Friday between Minister of Education Niki Kerameus and British Ambassador to Greece Kate Smith.
In a ministerial statement, the meeting was called 'extremely fruitful', and was also attended by the British Council in Greece Director Anastasia Andritsou and the Council's Educational Director Maria Tsakali.
Issues related to the operation of UK university-endorsed colleges in Greece were also discussed, as were opportunities for collaboration between the UK Department of Education and the Greek Ministry of Education for the exchange of expertise on issues of primary and secondary education policies, as well as the development of soft and digital skills.
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