Greece and Cyprus hold firm stance against Turkish provocations
Tasoulas said that it has reached a point that should concern not only the Cypriots or the Greeks, but the whole civilised world🕛 χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 1 λεπτό ┋

Greece and Cyprus respond to Turkish provocations with a firm stance aiming at ending the Turkish occupation to Cyprus, parliament president Konstantinos Tasoulas said on Friday welcoming the president of Cyprus' Movement for Social Democracy (EDEK) party, Marinos Sizopoulos.
Referring to Turkey's provocation, Tasoulas said that it has reached a point that should concern not only the Cypriots or the Greeks, but the whole civilised world. "We respond to these challenges with a firm stance aiming at ending the military occupation on Cyprus, which has been going on since 1974. Our weapons are the constant consultation and solidarity with the Cypriot government in order to meet this historic, important, national, necessary target," stressed Tasoulas.
On his part, Sizopoulos "at this time, we should all step up our efforts, strengthen cooperation and, above all, formulate a common strategy [..] Both countries, members of the European Union should, at all levels, at the level of governments as well as at the level of parliaments and political parties, strengthen these bonds and this cooperation," Sizopoulos said.
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