Bloomberg praises Greece for swiftly taking measures to counter coronavirus crisis
"So far, Greece has suffered 79 Covid-19 deaths, compared to 13,341 in Spain and 16,523 in Italy," it added🕛 χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 1 λεπτό ┋
Bloomberg, in a report on Tuesday, has praised Greece for swiftly taking measures to counter the impact of the coronavirus crisis. "Greece closed down its economy at the first sign of trouble, just as tourist resorts were about to reopen. It looks to have worked," said the article, citing a table produced by Greek Reporter and comparing the speed with which the Greek government imposed social distancing measures with that in other countries, such as Spain and Italy.
"So far, Greece has suffered 79 Covid-19 deaths, compared to 13,341 in Spain and 16,523 in Italy," it added, while noting that Greece also had a significantly lower number of cases and deaths than European countries with populations of a comparable size, such as Belgium, Portugal and the Netherlands.
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